This replica of the 1909 electric machine that was used to print the daily quotations of the stock market transactions on a paper ribbon. This ribbon is polularly known as a ticker tape. The original ticker tape could print 500 characters per minute and transaction information could be telegraphed via ticker tape to offices around the country within five minutes after an order had been placed on the stock exchange in New York.
This Stock Market Ticker replica is gold-plated and has paper ticker tape printed with authentic code symbols. It is mounted on a black base and protected under a glassdome that is 4" diameter X 7 3/4" overall. There are two gold-plated oval plates recessed into opposite sides of the base. The front plate states "Replica-The Stock Market Ticker-Circa 1909" The plate on the other side is for a company's logo and message.
This eye catching replica has wide appeal not only for members of the financial community but also is a very unique business gift. The minimum quantity is only 1 (one) and the imprint area on the blank plate is 1 1/2" X 3/4".
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